The emotions of the check engine light and smashed phone had run their course and it was time to
figure out what we were going to do about continuing under these new conditions. As for the check engine light, I talked to Norm Hughes the owner of the RV park “Know a good mechanic Norm?” I asked. “Mike down and Kings Auto Repair. He’s the best. Tell him Norm sent you.” Was the reply. Fortunately, Mike opened up early (7 am) so we door busted, but as we arrived I could see his parking lot littered with vehicles needing repair (good for Mike’s business, bad for him squeezing us in). That was the case, Mike is old school and showed me his dog eared, wrinkled notebook with pages of handwritten appointments. “Sorry, I’m booked out until the 23rd.” Oh well, at this point, we’re going to keep moving and hope the injector cleaner does the trick.Now for the phone…….. Between keeping me on track with the day’s route, phone calls with Cheryl and pictures along the way, the phone is critical for me on this ride. The iPad can fill the bill on most counts, but it doesn’t fit very well in my front bike compartment or in my jersey pocket. No problem, I’ll just use a backpack. Not super convenient but at this point, convenience is a luxury we don’t have. Off I go!
Another pretty short ride of 45 miles to Fulton NY. I took a break at 11 am (8 am PST) to check in on the phone and hopefully make arrangements for pick up along the way. In typical Nike fashion, things were moving fast. My boss had approved my request and the IT department had expedited the request and I am scheduled to pick up my phone before noon tomorrow at the Fulton Walgreens. How freaking great is that? Thank you all sooooo much for helping me Nike team. You all are amazing! Though the phone isn’t in my hands yet, what a relief to know it’s on its way.
We found a nice campground in Fulton on Lake Neatahwanta. When I rode in, Cheryl mentioned that the check engine light had turned off. Wow, phone on its way and check engine light is off, what a difference a day makes! It looks like we will be spending a day off here to pick up and configure my phone and heading to West Leyden to meet Tom and his wife on Wednesday. Since we have time, I decided to see if there was a bike shop to true up my front wheel. All the rough riding through construction zones has made it a little wobbly so I figured I should get it fixed for the final stretch run.
There is one bike shop in town, Legacy Bicycles. I left a message in the afternoon with Greg the owner and he called me back about 6 pm and said “I’m at the shop now, bring your bike down and I’ll take
care of it.” I showed up and Greg was helping another customer and his friend Aaron was there keeping him company, so we had a nice chat. Greg could not have been nicer. He not only trued my wheel, he adjusted my rear derailleur, straightened my seat and lubed my chain and even gave me a restaurant recommendation. On top of that he wasn’t going to charge me. You kidding me? Of course that didn’t happen, then we shook hands and I left Legacy with a bike ready for Portland ME. Thanks Greg!We had a nice dinner at Chubby’s Sports Bar (thanks for the recommendation Greg and Aaron) then topped the night off finishing the last two episodes of the Crown. What a terrific day! Tomorrow we will stay in Fulton and I will pick up and configure my phone, we’ll do some laundry and just hang out. Looking forward to a relaxing day.
Until then…..
You should have asked Greg to look at the Check Engine Light (CEL). Great news on the phone and CEL. Keep on truckin.
ReplyDeleteIs that a dog on the roof?