Well we are almost to Grants Pass (about 5 miles out) with a total mile count of 568 which means we are over half way in total miles but rule 4.1 paragraph 2 for the trip clearly states that the "riders must ride bikes continuously 1000 miles AND reach the Golden Gate Bridge." So we need to keep going.
Today was another good day. We started with our tradition of "downing a lot of doughnuts, little chocolate ones" (a comedic reference for you old enough to remember John Belushi). Though not all we eat, we have had at least one every morning. Breakfast of champions!
Today the goal was Grants Pass. We were happy at the start knowing that we didn't get busted for camping in an illegal spot for the night but were weren't taking any chances and got out of there early.
As far as mileage, we got in almost 79 miles but as you can see from the elevation, it was a relatively easy ride since there was a lot of down him riding (finally!)
Here is a picture of Westside road heading south to HWY 140. I know you are all tired of the long empty road shots but the riding has been amazing. Miles of great roads with virtually no traffic. Just two dumb guys in matching 1ktothebay.com jerseys riding their bikes to San Francisco.
We decided to go out for lunch today at the world famous "Apple Peddler" restaurant in White City. Not only had I never heard of the Apple Peddler restaurant I had never heard of White City! I want to say my head isn't really that big and it is the camera angle but unfortunately it is that big.
As the trip has progressed, Cheryl is becoming quite the RV driver. She's going up and down hills, negotiating tight curves and even backed into the RV spot today. She still needs to sit on a phone book to see over the steering wheel however. Cheryl did have a close call today when a raft blew off the truck in front of her and she had to stop on I5 to avoid it. The Intruder at a stop in the middle of I5. Hmmmm don't remember seeing that in the driver training manual.
We are staying at a nice RV park called Chinook Winds (no slot machines at this one) on the Rogue River. Earlier I mentioned today was an easy ride but from the look of this picture I may want to retract that (very nice farmer tan Greg)
Tomorrow the plan is to head towards Cresent City and enter California. Tomorrow I'll say I've actually ridden bike from Kennewick WA to California. So please remind me why I'm doing this? No it's been a blast. I just hope it continues.
Over half way! Way to go!!! Keep those smiles smiling.