Sunday, September 18, 2022

Day 7 - Cycle Oregon…check!

Wow it finally arrived. We’ve come to the end of Cycle Oregon 2022.  For many, todays ride is more like the ceremonial last day of the Tour de France.  You take it easy and glide into town.  Of course, taking it easy is never the case for this crew.  There were multiple route choices as usual.  For us it was between a 31 mile straight shot to John Day or the 61 mile, 4100 ft of climb route through the trees on some beautiful Forest Service roads (oh and 2.5 miles of gravel) For me the choice was easy.  With a 6 hour ride back home I didn’t want the entire group waiting for me and getting a late start on the ride back. Besides, I’ve already got 350+ miles in and I’m not a big gravel fan so I’m good.  Of course the rest of the group wanted to do the long ride.  Being the guy he is, Jack hung back with me and we did the short ride together.   

Secretly, I think Jack wanted to punish me as we didn’t just “cruise” into town, we cranked it.  The road was not great as there was a lot of traffic. There were a few interesting things to see but I couldn’t take pictures as I was working so hard trying to keep up with Jack!

We made it safely back to John Day with the other 1000 or so riders.  A lunch, shower, pack up the van and go.  Just like that, my Cycle Oregon 2022 experience is over.  Though the time passed by quickly, the memories will last a lifetime.  This type of experience is not for everyone but if you are even considering it, I highly recommend giving it a try.  

Thanks again Jack and Craig for the invitation. I would never have signed up if it were not for you and I would have missed out on a wonderful experience. 

So there it is. Another trip in the books.  If any of you are still out there, I appreciate you joining me on this adventure. I’m not sure what’s next, but Cheryl and I will think of something. 

Until then….


  1. Congratulations on another successful adventure! As always, It was fun following you. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
    See you soon!💃

  2. Thanks Betty. It was a great experience.
