Friday, March 30, 2018

Barry, what a guy!

Huge day for us today as we are going house hunting.  We are really excited.  Cheryl is excited to see all the interesting places we may live in for the next two years and I am excited that Dorte will be driving!  We meet Nadia, our real estate representative and she has 12 properties for us to look at.  I feel like we are on an episode of house hunters.  Nadia did a great job of finding a variety of properties with different options.  One thing was common to all…….stairs.  if you don’t like stairs then you won’t like housing in Amsterdam.  ADA compliance?  Not in the Netherlands.  All of the apartments were really nice and had their own unique qualities but at the end of a long day we settled on two.  Coincidentally, they are both in the same building (though very different layouts).  We are going to think about them over the weekend and walk through each again on Tuesday and decide.  I know we will be happy in either one.

We had some time in the afternoon, so we decided it was a good time to get some laundry done.  We hauled two large bags to the “clean brothers” laundromat.  Hauling laundry through the streets of Amsterdam, just how I imagined it.  While unloading our bags and figuring out the machines, we met a nice gentleman named Barry. He’s from New York but has lived in Amsterdam for 30 years!  He watched our stuff while we went for a beer!  Love Barry.

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